AVCareer Forum

An opportunity for students, mechanics, pilots, industry professionals to network with aviation businesses, schools and colleges.

What do you want
to do in aviation?

Aviation Career Track

Open to future aviation careers seekers of any age. The intro sessions will be more suited for high school or transitioning career attendees. Parents, educators and mentors are welcome to attend as well. The cost is $15 and the session has registration times each day — SAT 9-12 PM and SUN 1-4 PM. Attendees can use the additional time for networking and follow up questions with exhibitors, many of whom will participate in the program. Aviation Careers covered will include pilot, maintenance and aviation support.

Registration includes admission to the Conference both days, resource packet, and seminar reservation.


Professional Career Track

Owing to the changes in the hiring processes currently in the aviation industry, we are suspending the Professional Track program and fees in 2024. Many airlines have reduced hiring and will not be in attendance at hiring events temporarily.

Alaska Airlines will be represented by Horizon Air at the 2024 NW Aviation Conference. We encourage you to still attend the seminars and visit with our industry partners at the 2024 Show. The cost for this is just $10/day or $15/two day lanyard.


Pilot? Connect with airlines and explore employment opportunities.

Mechanic? Learn about industry opportunities and advancements.

career options, scholarships, and aviation schools. 

This event is hosted during the Northwest Aviation Conference & Trade Show.

Registration at the NW Aviation Career Forum includes admission to the Conference & Trade Show.

Join the #PILOTCAREERFORUM on Facebook for regular updates.